An open-source multi-purpose application for many-particle simulation. This application prepares various kinds of statistical methods and potentials, and can perform simulation of rigid-body mechanics, Langevin dynamics, dissipative-particle dynamics, nonequilibrium molecular dynamics, and so on. It prepares python scripts for production of initial conditions, job submission, and analysis of results.
A open-source application of first-principles calculation for the electronic structure, using the KKR method, a variant of Green’s function method. It is based on the density functional theory and is applicable to crystals and surfaces. The coherent potential approximation (CPA) is adopted, so it can handle not only periodic systems, but also disordered alloys. It can also handle spin-orbit interaction and non-collinear magnetism.
OpenMX is a first-principles software based on the pseudo-atomic localized basis functions. It calculates electronic structure rapidly for a wide range of materials including crystals, interfaces, liquids, etc. It speedily provides molecular dynamics simulation and structural optimization of large-scale systems and also implements a hybrid parallelism. It is able to deal with non-collinear magnetism and non-equilibrium Green’s function calculations for electrical conductions.
XenonPy is a high-throughput material exploration framework based on machine learning technologies. This library can generate various chem/phys descriptors for machine learning to explore materials in virtual environment. Descriptors in matminer can be also used. Model training is done by PyTorch. Visualization tool for descriptor and transfer learning framework are also provided.
w2dynamics is a hybridization-expansion continuous-time (CT-HYB) quantum Monte Carlo package, developed jointly in Wien and Würzburg. Users can calculate local two- and four-pointfermionic Green’s functions of multi-orbital impurity models. This application also provides DMFT Python code and an interface to wannier90 generated Hamiltonians.
First-principles software based on plane-wave basis and norm-conserving pseudopotential methods. Time-dependent DFT has been implemented. Users can perform real-time simulations for electron-ion dynamics under a time-dependent external field. Pseudopotentials with FPSEID21 format should be used, and those are downloadable from the website.
Open-source software for analyzing scientific data. DAWN can visualize data in various dimensions, from 1D to 3D, and it is also possible to create maps that plot different types of data. It can not only visualize data, but also process data, such as fitting for peak detection. It supports general data formats such as text files and HDF5, as well as data formats such as NeXus, which is used in X-ray experiments.
An open-source application for atomic structure analysis from powder diffraction data. This application can calculate atomic coordinates, valence sums, and chemical bonds from diffraction data of crystals, nanostructures, and amorphous materials. It is written in Python, and realizes multi-functional fitting and flexible data analysis.
A set of routines for real-symmetric dense eigenproblems in supercomputers or massively parallel machines. Both of standard and general eigenproblems are supported. A fast computation is achieved by optimal hybrid solvers among eigenproblem libraries of ELPA, EigenExa and ScaLAPACK. The package includes a mini-appli that can be used in a benchmark test.
Open source software for massively parallel quantum chemistry calculations. Energies and geometries of nano-sized molecules can be calculated without fragmentation. The program supports Hartree-Fock, density functional theory, and second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory calculations. The input format, execution method, and program structure are simple, and frequently used routines can be easily extracted.