Last Update:2021/03/05

Official site


This software is distributed with GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 3.
Availability Need to compile on Linux/Cent OS.
Core Developers Kenji HARADA (Kyoto Univ.) Yasuyuki KATO (Tokyo Univ.) Naoki KAWASHIMA (ISSP) Akiko MASAKI (RIKEN) Yuichi Motoyama (ISSP) Kazuyoshi Yoshimi (ISSP) Takafumi SUZUKI (Hyogo Univ.) Collaborators: Tsuyoshi OKUBO (ISSP) ... beta testing
Physical quantities that can be computed A wide variety of models are supported. Information of unitcell and matrix elements of two-body Hamiltonian can be input from text files.
Methodology Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm that samples Feynman path integrals by using worm update method.
Parallelization Parallel computing by MPI is supported.
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Other Request from the develpers We wish to know how the software is used. The users are kindly asked to send us the information of their publication based on the results of this software. Also we would appreciate it if the users explicitly aknowledge the usage of the software in their publications. ++ Sample ++ Numerical results in the present paper were obtained by the quantum Monte Carlo program DSQSS ( Acknowledgment The development of this software is partially supported by the MEXT project "Grand Challenges in Next-Generation Integrated Nanoscience". The version 1.2.0 is developed under the support of "Project for advancement of software usability in materials science" in fiscal year 2018 by The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo. Contact