MateriApps LIVE!

When trying to try out open-source software, installation of software itself often becomes a serious obstacle. In this page, we introduce various environments where users can try out simulations “without any installation process.”

MateriApps LIVE! offers an environment where one can try out computational materials science simulation freely, using a notebook PC, etc. All environment required to begin tutorials, such as MateriApps applications, OS (Debian GNU/Linux), editors, and visualization tools, is provided in a USB memory stick.

The detailed information about MateriApps LIVE!, e.g. the list of installed applications, is available at the following web page.

Example of using MateriApps LIVE!

Example of booting MateriApps LIVE! and drawing the Fermi surface of Cu by using xTAPP and TAPIOCA. More information is available from

Pre-installed Supercomputers

CMSI is currently advancing installation of typical applications to domestic supercomputer systems. Here, we introduced the pre-installed supercomputers and applications.

The application lists on supercomputers at each institute are available from the following links.

Institute for Solid State Physics (in Japanese)

Institute for Molecular Science (in Japanese)

Institute for Materials Research

FOCUS (in Japanese)