An open-source application for the phase-field simulations. This application treats many kinds of problems in materials science such as determination of phase diagrams, crystal growing, small structures accompanied by first-order transition, and so on. Its source code is open under the GPL, and is developed putting emphasis on its flexibility in the C++ language.
A database for thermodynamic properties and crystal structures calculated based on the density functional theory by a research group in Northwestern University. OQMD provides over one million data generated by using not only experimental crystal structures provided by ICSD but also those obtained by calculations. Users can search data in OQMD by using Python API.
An open-source application of semi-empirical/ab-initio quantum chemical calculation that comes under an academic license. It performs various quantum chemical calculations based on Hartree-Fock theory, density functional theory, and configuration interaction theory, yielding electronic states and enabling structure optimization and molecular spectrum analysis. Molecular dynamics calculation based on the QM/MM method is also possible by using this software in combination with GROMACS.
An open-source application for first-principles calculation utilizing pseudo-potentials and plane-wave basis sets. This application is capable of performing electronic structure calculations of a wide range of physical systems such as crystals and surfaces/interfaces. It supports structure relaxation, phonon-dispersion calculation, and molecular dynamics simulation, and can deal with systems with the spin-orbit interaction.
An open-source application for visualization of atoms and molecules developed for molecular dynamics. This application supports a number of input file formats for molecular configration, and can perform visualization of three-dimensional atom configration as well as creation of a animation. The main feature of this application is that various useful analysis tools can be used by intuitive control of a graphical user interface (GUI).
Software tool for constructing interatomic potentials based on nonlinear atomic cluster expansion. It requires the user to either prepare a fitting dataset based on pandas and ASE, or it can automatically extract data from VASP calculation results. The obtained potentials can be used for molecular dynamics simulations using LAMMPS, and it also provides the capability to calculate extrapolation grades for on-the-fly active learning.
PAICS is a program of quantum chemical calculation. In this program, fragment molecular orbital (FMO) method is adopted, by which large molecules including biomolecular systems can be treated with several quantum chemical approaches including HF and MP2 methods. At the same time, PaicsView has been developed, which is a supporting program for making input files and analyzing calculation results.
PARATEC is a parallel DFT program package based on plane-wave basis and norm-conserving pseudopotential.
An open-source application for analysis and visualization of two- and three-dimensional data. The function of this application can be used not only by interactive operation with three-dimensional display, but also by batch processing. This application supports various environments such as Windows, Mac, and Linux from a desktop PC to a supercomputer performing large scale parallel computation.
Parsec is a DFT program package based on real space basis and norm-conserving pseudopotential.