An open-source application for semi-empirical quantum chemical calculation based on NDDO (neglect of diatomic differential overlap) approximation. This program calculates, for a given molecule or a crystal, molecular orbits and atomic forces, as well as vibration spectra, thermal quantities (heat of formation etc.), isotopic exchange effect, force constant, and so on. It can also treat radicals and ions.
Parallel C++ Library for tensor network methods. This library provides common operations, including tensor contraction and singular value decomposition and supports a similar interface as Numpy and Scipy in Python.
An application for multi-purpose structure analysis based on a finite-element method. This application can analyze static properties, dynamic response, and vibration response. It also can calculate nonlinear dynamics of thermal transport and stress/strain of structures. It implements various numerical algorithms and user can choose an appropriate algorithm to solve the problems. It supports parallel processing and has user customization option by its original program language.
A Python library for manipulating symmetry operations and automatically generating symmetry-adapted multipole basis (SAMB) based on crystallographic point and space groups. By using QtDraw, users can also visualize the output of this library.
An open-source application for micromagnetic simulation optimized for general-purpose computing on GPU. This application can calculate spatial distribution of magnetization with speed of more than 100 times compared with CPU calculation. This application can also treat the RKKY interaction, effect of spin injection, and Voronoi diagrams. It supports remote computing using its web-GUI system.
A low-energy solver for a wide ranger of quantum lattice models (multi-orbital Hubbard model, Heisenberg model, Kondo-lattice model) by using variational Monte Carlo method. User can obtain high-accuracy wave functions for ground states of above models. Users flexibly choose the correlation factors in wavefunctions such as Gutzwiller, Jastrow, and doublon-holon binding factors and optimize more the ten thousand variational parameters. It is also possible to obtain the low-energy excited states by specifying the quantum number using the quantum number projection.
Commercially-available free software for Computer-Aided Drug Development. It includes programs for compound database, protein-compound docking, structure-based drug screening, ligand-based drug screening, protein-ligand binding site prediction, molecular editor, physical property prediction, synthetic accessibility prediction, thermodynamic calculation including multi-canonical dynamics, and molecular dynamics simulations with and without acceleration using GPUs and MPI parallelization.
Software package that implements Behler-Parinello type neural network potential. The package provides tools for training and evaluating potentials based on given structure-energy data. It also provides an interface with LAMMPS for performing molecular dynamics calculations.
An open-source application for molecular dynamics simulation of biomolecules, especially designed for massively parallel computing. This package enables us to perform efficient parallel calculation on parallel computers ranging from 100 to 20,000 cores. For preparation of calculation and analysis of orbits, it uses visualization software VMD. It supports file formats compatible with other applications such as AMBER and CHARMM, and can be used on various computing environments.
A support application for preparing input files of molecular dynamics calculation. This application supports manual input of atomic coordinates and bond informations, reading files of protain structure database, and editing data by graphical user interface. It also implements various functions such as addition of hydrogen atoms and composition of data. and can treat a large number of atoms using only a moderate memory cost.