An open-source application for simulation based on the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG). This application can perform high-speed calculation of low-dimensional quantum systems with high accuracy. It implements generic programming techniques in the C++ language, and can easily extend simulation to new models and geometries. It is developed putting emphasis on user-friendly interfaces and low dependences on environments.
DSQSS is an application program for solving quantum many body problems in a discrete set (typically a lattice). It carries out quantum Monte Carlo simulations that sample from the Feynman path integral using the worm update. It can handle any lattice geometry and interaction.
An open-source application for first-principles calculation utilizing the DV-Xα method. It produces electronic structure for a wide rage of physical systems such as atoms, molecules and crystals. The DV-Xα method realizes high-speed computation for all-electron calculations, and makes it possible to evaluate various physical properties and electron transition probability (especially of core-electron excitation). Tools for supplying input data, and visualizing and post-processing output data are also released.
An open-source program package for first-principles calculation based on a mixed augmented plane wave method (the PMT method). For various physical systems, this package performs electronic structure calculation and structure optimization by LDA, GGA, LDA+U and so on. It further can treat quasi-particle excitation with high accuracy by the quasi-particle self-consistent GW method. It implements several original methods not included in other program packages, and is maintained by the version control system, Git.
An open-source application for the first-principles calculation by the all-electron calculation method based on plane wave bases. In addition to standard methods (LDA, GGA, etc.), the LDA+U method, treatment of spin-orbit interaction (noncolinear magnetism), and calculation of phonons are supported. Hybrid parallel computing by OpenMP and MPI is also supported.
An application for electronic structure calculations and molecular dynamics simulations based on tight-binding approximation. By the Krylov subspace method, this application performs order-N electronic state calculation for large physical systems including a large number of atoms. It also supports massively-parallel computation using MPI/openMP hybrid parallelism, and has demonstrated calculation of 10^7-atom simulation on the K Computer.
An application for first-principles calculation based on density functional theory (DFT) optimized for X-ray spectroscopy analysis. Theoretical prediction and data fitting for X-ray spectroscopy such as XANES(X-ray absorption fine structure), XMCD(X-ray magnetic circular dichroism), RXD(resonant X-ray diffraction) can be preformes. This application employs a fully relativistic LSDA calculation based on the finite element method, and also supports the LDA+U method and the TD-DFT calculation.
An application for micromagnetic simulation optimized for industrial use of magnetic device design. This application can simulate read-out/write-in by a disk head in a hard disk device, magnetic recording media, and spatial profiles of magnetization in MRAM devices. This application also implements long-time simulation by a Monte Carlo method, treatment of thermal noise, and modeling of granular structures.
A fast molecular dynamics simulator for ferroelectrics. This simulator can execute molecular dynamics calculations quickly by dealing with dipole interaction efficiently. It can simulate the physical property of microscopic ferroelectric thin film of tens of nanometers, which is important in FeRAM(Ferroelectric Random Access Memory), controlling the shapes and effects of inactivated layers.
An application for first-principles calculation based on all-electron calculation using atomic bases. This application can perform accurate electronic-state calculation for various physical systems. It supports a number of functional sets including hybrid functionals, and can support relativistic effects, many-body perturbation methods, and the GW method. It can treat over 100 elements, and keeps high efficiency in parallel calculation from a desktop machine to a high-performance parallel computer up to 10,000 CPUs.