• Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

A open-source application of first-principles calculation for the electronic structure, using the KKR method, a variant of Green’s function method. It is based on the density functional theory and is applicable to crystals and surfaces. The coherent potential approximation (CPA) is adopted, so it can handle not only periodic systems, but also disordered alloys. It can also handle spin-orbit interaction and non-collinear magnetism.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

Starrydata is an open database of experimental data from figures in published papers. Thermoelectric properties such as Seebeck coefficient, electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity are presented mainly on thermoelectric materials.

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  • Level of openness 1 ★☆☆
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

STATE is a first-principles plane-wave pseudo-potential code. It provides electronic state calculations and molecular dynamics simulations. This code is suitable for simulating chemical reactions at solid surfaces and solid–liquid interfaces, i.e., It is able to investigate reaction paths and activation barriers of chemical processes at interfaces. It can also include Van der Waals corrections to conventional density functional theory.

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Strawberry Fields

  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

Python library for the design, simulation, and optimization of continuous-variable quantum optical circuits. It has high-level functions for solving problems including graph and network optimization, machine learning, and chemistry, and can perform training and optimization of quantum programs using the TensorFlow backend.

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Superconducting Toolkit (sctk)

  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

An open-source application for evaluating superconducting gaps from resutls of the first-principles calculation by Quantum ESPRESSO. By calculating electron-phonon interaction and screened Coulomb interaction from the first-principles calculation, superconducting gaps can be obtained from the gap equation. Quasiparticle densities of states and ultrasonic attenuation rates can also be calculated.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

A tool of input-file preparation and visualization for xTAPP, an application of the first-principle calculation. By graphical user interface (GUI), this application helps xTAPP users for making input files, and visualizes results of wavefunctions, electron densities, and potential profiles into three-dimensional graphics from output files.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

A python package for automatic calculation of magnetic effective interactions between atoms (exchange and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions) from ab initio Hamiltonians based on Wannier functions and LCAO calculations. The package can postprocess Hamiltonians calculated using Wannier90, Siesta, and OpenMX. Input files for magnetic structure simulators such as Vampire can also be generated.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

TC++ is open-source software for ab initio calculations using the transcorrelated (TC) method. In TC++, users can take account of electron correlations in a Jastrow correlation factor based on the TC method. Electronic structures obtained by Quantum ESPRESSO can be used as an initial state of TC++.

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  • Level of openness 0 ☆☆☆
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

Payware for visualization of computational fluid dynamics and general numerical simulation. This application provides an integrated environment for two- and three- dimensional graph drawing, and supports interactive visualization of data with many options such as slices, contours, and stream traces. It also supports visualization of large-scale data and efficient comparison between many data sets.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

A solver program for two dimensional quantum lattice model based on a projected entangled pair state wavefunction and the corner transfer matrix renormalization group method.
This works on a massively parallel machine because tensor operations are OpenMP/MPI parallelized.

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