• Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

An open-source application for ab initio quantum chemical calculation. This application performs electronic structure calculation of molecules by the Hartree-Fock, density functional, many-body perturbation, configuration interaction theories, and so on. Even though this application is freeware, it succeeds in maintaining high-quality and high-performance codes by active development, and has a number of world-wide users. It histrically shares core programs with GAMESS-UK.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 3 ★★★

An open-source application for first-principles calculation based on the PAW method. By utilizing real-space or atom-localized basis sets, this application performs electronic structure calculation based on the density functional theory as well as the GW approximation. Simulations are set up using the interface provided by Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE). The code is written in C and python, and is available under GPL.

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  • Level of openness 0 ☆☆☆
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

Payware for ab initio quantum chemical calculation. This application performs high-speed quantum chemical calculation based on the density functional, Hartree-Fock theory, and MP2 theories. It can perform structure optimization, spectrum analysis, evaluation of acid dissociation constants, and so on. It can treat excited states by using TDDFT and CIS. Maestro, an application for visualization produced by the same developer, provides a useful interface for Jaguar.

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MateriApps Installer

  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

A collection of shell scripts for installing open-source applications and tools for computational materials science to macOS, Linux PC, cluster workstations, and major supercomputer systems in Japan. Major applications are preinstalled to the nation-wide joint-use supercomputer system at Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo by using MateriApps Installer.

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MateriApps LIVE!

  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 3 ★★★

Debian Live Linux System that contains OS, editors, materials science application software, visualization tools, etc. An environment needed to perform materials science simulations is provided as a one package. By booting up on VirtualBox virtual machine, one can start simulations, such as the first-principles calculation, molecular dynamics, quantum chemical calculation, lattice model calculation, etc, immediately.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

Python-based simulations of chemistry framework (PySCF) is a general-purpose electronic structure platform written in Python. Users can perform mean-field and post-mean-field methods with standard Gaussian basis functions. This package also provides several interfaces to other software such as BLOCK and Libxc.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 3 ★★★

Open-source program for first-principles calculation based on pseudo-potential and plane-wave basis. This package performs electronic-state calculation with high accuracy based on density functional theory. In addition to basic-set programs, many core-packages and plugins are included. This package can be utilized for academic research and industrial development, and also supports parallel computing.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 3 ★★★

An application for first-principles calculation based on the all-electron method. This application implements not only normal electronic state calculation (band calculation) but also a quasi-particle GW method for self-consistent (or one-shot) calculation of excitation spectrum and quasi-particle band. Combining with dynamical mean-field theory, self-consistent calculation including many-body effect can also be performed.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

RESPACK is a first-principles calculation software for evaluating the interaction parameters of materials. It is able to calculate the maximally localized Wannier functions, the RPA response functions, and frequency-dependent electronic interaction parameters. RESPACK receives its input data from a band calculation using norm-conserving pseudopotentials with plane-wave basis sets. Utilities which convert a result of xTAPP or Quantum ESPRESSO to an input for RESPACK are prepared. The software has been used successfully for a wide range of materials such as metals, semiconductors, transition-metal compounds, and organic compounds. It supports OpenMP / MPI parallelization.

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  • Level of openness 0 ☆☆☆
  • Document quality 3 ★★★
Program package for first-principles calculation based on PAW-type pseudo-potential. This package performs electronic-state calculation of various physical systems by density functional theory with high speed, and can be used for structure optimization, evaluation of response functions, and chemical reaction. There are many users in the world, and detailed information, manuals, and tutorials are well prepared.
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