New version: HPhi 3.3.0

HΦ ver. 3.3.0 has been released! Changes are listed below.
New feature
- Standard mode
- Added the parameters to tune the lattice size, the range, the strength of interactions etc. for the
lattice. See details for Chap.Downfolding with Wannier functions
in HPhi’s manual. - Added
keyword for specifying the origin of the frequency for calculating spectrum.- Similar to the parameter in
for the expert mode (the standard mode can only specify the real part).
- Similar to the parameter in
- Added the parameters to tune the lattice size, the range, the strength of interactions etc. for the
- Expert mode
- Added the mode to output the excited vector in the calculating spectrum mode.
- Specify by the parameter
- Specify by the parameter
- Added the mode to output the excited vector in the calculating spectrum mode.
- The sign of one-body diagonal terms was opposite for the real-time evolution mode.