An exact diagonalization package for a wide range of quantum lattice models (e.g. multi-orbital Hubbard model, Heisenberg model, Kondo lattice model). HΦ also supports the massively parallel computations. The Lanczos algorithm for obtaining the ground state and thermal pure quantum state method for finite-temperature calculations are implemented. In addition, dynamical Green’s functions can be calculated using Kω, which is a library of the shifted Krylov subspace method. It is possible to perform simulations for real-time evolution from ver. 3.0.
H-wave is a Python package for performing unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) calculations and random phase approximation (RPA) calculations for itinerant electron systems. H-wave supports UHF calculations both in real- and wavenumber-spaces. H-wave supports one-body and two-body interactions in the Wannier90 format as inputs for H-wave, and thus users can solve ab initio effective Hamiltonians derived from Wannier90/RESPACK calculations based on UHF and RPA methods.
An open-source multi-purpose application for modeling and visualizing molecules (biomolecules, in particular). This application has been developed for multi-scale molecular simulation, and also provides a simple GUI for AMBER and Gaussian. It also implements exchange of protein residues and the Pathways model for the electron transfer in proteins. It calls rasmol for visualization of atoms and molecules.
An open-source application for first-principles calculation utilizing all-electron method. This application produces band structure and allows structure relaxation by high-accuracy electronic structure calculations based on linearized augmented plane wave (LAPW) method for a wide range of systems. It is suited to magnetic materials, and can deal with relativistic effects such as the spin-orbit interaction.
An open-source application for quantum chemical calculation. This application can perform quantum chemical calculation based on the Hartree-Fock method and the density functional method. The code is developed on the emphasis of readability and flexibility, and can be called from Python scripts. Quantum chemical calculation based on two-electron wave functions (geminals) is also possible.
An open-source multi-purpose application for many-particle simulation. This application prepares various kinds of statistical methods and potentials, and can perform simulation of rigid-body mechanics, Langevin dynamics, dissipative-particle dynamics, nonequilibrium molecular dynamics, and so on. It prepares python scripts for production of initial conditions, job submission, and analysis of results.