An open-source application of semi-empirical/ab-initio quantum chemical calculation that comes under an academic license. It performs various quantum chemical calculations based on Hartree-Fock theory, density functional theory, and configuration interaction theory, yielding electronic states and enabling structure optimization and molecular spectrum analysis. Molecular dynamics calculation based on the QM/MM method is also possible by using this software in combination with GROMACS.
An open-source application for first-principles calculation based on pseudo- potential and real-space basis. It performs electronic-state calculation such as band calculation of solids and structure optimization for a variety of physical systems. The method of time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) is implemented, which allows simulation of dynamical phenomena with real-time evolution of electronic states, such as chemical reaction and electronic response to time-dependent external fields. Comes with detailed tutorials and comprehensive manuals.
An open-source application for visualization of atoms and molecules developed for molecular dynamics. This application supports a number of input file formats for molecular configration, and can perform visualization of three-dimensional atom configration as well as creation of a animation. The main feature of this application is that various useful analysis tools can be used by intuitive control of a graphical user interface (GUI).
Open-source software for quantum computing in quantum chemistry. OpenFermion can map the ab-initio Hamiltonian of an target molecular or material in second quantization to that in qubits. Parameters of the Hamiltonian is estimated by using other software for first-principles calculations. OpenFermion also provides users plugins to support integration with apps for quantum circuits and quantum simulators.
An open-source application for translating chemical structure format files. More than 110 formats are supported. This application is actively being developed taking into account use and construction of database and application to infomational technology in chemistry (chemoinformatics). A graphical user interface is alsp provided for Windows.
OpenMX Viewer (Open source package for Material eXplorer Viewer) is a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) program for visualization and analysis of crystalline and molecular structures.
XYZ, CIF, OpenMX input/output, md(molecular dynamics) files, the Gaussian cube format such as electron density and molecular orbitals can be visualized quickly by drag-and-drop, and it is easy to analyze static/dynamic structural properties conveniently in a web browser. Several basic functionalities such as analysis of Mulliken charges, molecular dynamics, geometry optimization and band structure are included.
Open source software package to visualize scientific/engineering data. This is provided as a GUI application based on X window system to move the camera, modify parameters, and play animation. This supports several data formats; CDF, NetCDF, and so on.
Ising model and QUBO heuristic optimization library. The core of the optimization is implemented in C++; it has a Python interface, therefore it can be easily written in Python.
OpenFFT is an open source parallel package for computing multi-dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms (3-D and 4-D FFTs) of both real and complex numbers of arbitrary input size. It originates from OpenMX (Open source package for Material eXplorer). OpenFFT adopts a communication-optimal domain decomposition method that is adaptive and capable of localizing data when transposing from one dimension to another for reducing the total volume of communication. It is written in C and MPI, with support for Fortran through the Fortran interface, and employs FFTW3 for computing 1-D FFTs.
A database for thermodynamic properties and crystal structures calculated based on the density functional theory by a research group in Northwestern University. OQMD provides over one million data generated by using not only experimental crystal structures provided by ICSD but also those obtained by calculations. Users can search data in OQMD by using Python API.