An application for simulating microstructures of alloys based on a phase-field method. This application can treat various problems in multi-component alloy systems such as solidification, solid-phase transition, and dynamics of crystal growth. Any required thermodynamic quantities can be obtained by calculating phase diagram or by direct coupling to the thermodynamic data calculated by other application.
An application for multi-purpose structure analysis based on a finite-element method. This application can analyze static properties, dynamic response, and vibration response. It also can calculate nonlinear dynamics of thermal transport and stress/strain of structures. It implements various numerical algorithms and user can choose an appropriate algorithm to solve the problems. It supports parallel processing and has user customization option by its original program language.
A unified application for soft materials simulation. This is a commercial application based on OCTA, and includes modeling/analysis tools for individual simulation engines, use-case databases, tools for structure-property relationship analysis as well as basic functions of OCTA. In particular, VSOP, an original solver for molecular dynamics, is added for fast simulation by MPI parallel computing.