
  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

peps-torch is a python library for calculation of quantum many-body problems on two dimensional lattices. Variational principles calculation is used with an infinite PEPS (iPEPS) as the trial wave function. Therefore, the ground state is obtained in the form of the element tensor of the iPEPS.  The energy of the trial state is estimated by the corner transfer matrix method (CTM), and its gradient with respect to the element tensor is computed through automatic differentiation provided by pytorch.  Functions/classes for exploiting the system’s symmetry are provided for reducing the computational cost if possible. While general models and lattices are not supported, many examples of stand-alone codes would make it relatively easy for users to write their own codes to suit their needs. pytorch is required.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

Library for calculating Pfaffian (square root of determinant), which is defined for skew-symmetric matrices. Algorithms are implemented in several languages (Fortran, Python, Matlab, Mathematica) and users can choose favorite one. Interfaces for C are also provided.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 3 ★★★

An electronic structure calculation program based on the density functional theory and the pseudo potential scheme with a plane wave basis set. This is a powerful tool to predict the physical properties of unknown materials and to simulate experimental results such as STM and EELS. This also enables users to perform long time molecular dynamics simulations and to analyze chemical reaction processes. This program is available on a wide variety of computers from single-core PCs to massive parallel computers like K computer. The whole source code is open to public.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 1 ★☆☆

Pomerol is an app for calculation one- and two-body Green’s function at finite temperatures for the Hubbard-type model based on the full exact diagonalization. Pomerol is written in C++ and supports the hybrid parallelization (MPI+openMP).

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

A python package for the tight-binding method. PythTB supports tight-binding calculations of electronic structures and Berry phase in various kinds of systems. Users can use ab initio parameters obtained by Wannier90.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 3 ★★★

An open-source application for obtaining optimized many-body wavefunctions expressed by matrix product states (MPS). By using a second-generation density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm, many-body wave functions can be efficiently optimized. The quantum-chemical operators are represented by matrix product operators (MPOs), which provides flexibility to accommodate various symmetries and relativistic effects.

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  • Level of openness 1 ★☆☆
  • Document quality 1 ★☆☆

QDS (Quantum Dynamics Simulator) is a program for computing magnetization curves and spectra of electron-spin resonance (ESR) in molecular magnets. Input data of this program can be magnetic interactions, the shape of a molecule, etc. Calculation is carried out with the combination of exact diagonalization, the quantum master equation, and the Kubo formula. It can be chosen whether the dissipation exists or not in the calculations of dynamical magnetization curves.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

QMCPACK is a modern high-performance open-source Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulation code. Its main applications are electronic structure calculations of molecular, quasi-2D and solid-state systems. Variational Monte Carlo (VMC), diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC), orbital space auxiliary field QMC (AFQMC) and a number of other advanced QMC algorithms are implemented.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 1 ★☆☆

An open source application implementing path-integral Monte Carlo method based on Stochastic Green function method. Finite temperature calculation of extended Bose Hubbard model and Heisenberg model with finite field can be treated. JSON and YAML formats are adopted for data I/O.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

An exact diagonalization package for efficiently solving quantum spin 1/2 lattice models in almost fully spin-polarized sectors. QS3 can treat such systems with quite large system sizes, over 1000 sites. It supports calculations of wavenumber-dependence of energy-dispersion and dynamical spin structure factor.

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