An open-source application for visualization developed for input and output of GAMESS. This application supports various types of input formats such as GAMESS, XYZ, MolDel, pdb, and CML as well as input by GUI and the Z-matrix format. It can visualize molecular orbitals, electron densities, electrostatic potentials, and normal modes, and can output results into various formats.
Application for specifying and simulating lattice kinetic Monte Carlo models. It has been developed in the context of simulating heterogeneous catalysis. Models can be specified using provided python APIs or through a simple GUI.
A simple open-source application for visualization compatible to Protein Data Bank (PDB) format. This application also supports other formats such as Sybyl, Molden, Mopac, and CHARMM. It is a pioneering piece of software as an interactive PDB viewer.
An open-source application for visualization of many-particle systems. With simple operation by graphical user interface (GUI) or by command line, this application can visualize particle positions obtained from molecular dynamics simulation as well as three-dimensional scalar quantities such as potential energies. It supports various display options on kinds and shapes of particles, and can also visualize bond formation between particles.
An official Gaussian-series payware for molecular visualization. Must be used with Gaussian, the well-known software of quantum chemistry calculation. This application provides many functions such as molecular modeling, parameter setting, job management and visualization of calculation results. It also performs input file generation for Gaussian, and supports read/write of files with other formats such as Sybyl, Molden, PDB and CIF.
A payware for modeling and visualizing molecules. This software includes a standard editor, ChemDraw, and can perform modeling from chemical structural formula. It implements structure optimization and molecular dynamics by molecular mechanics, and provides useful GUIs for MOPAC, Jaguar, GAMESS, and Gaussian. It can also perform spectroscopy analysis. It is included in high-end packages such as ChemBioOffice and ChemOffice.
An open-source application of molecular modeling/editing for quantum chemical calculation. This application supports graphical user interface (GUI) for input-file preparation for software of quantum chemical calculation such as GAMESS, Gaussian, etc., and displays their results by reading output files. It can also make movies in the formats of vector graphics, POV-Ray, and so on.
A tool of input-file preparation and visualization for xTAPP, an application of the first-principle calculation. By graphical user interface (GUI), this application helps xTAPP users for making input files, and visualizes results of wavefunctions, electron densities, and potential profiles into three-dimensional graphics from output files.
3D drawing software for molecules and crystals. QtDraw supports drawings of 3D objects such as atomic orbitals, polygons and spline curves. By installing MultiPie, users can draw the above objects with the help of symmetry operations and irreducible representations. These functionalities can be called by Python code.
A GUI program for structure modeling of giant molecules. This application consists of two programs, “fumodel” and “fuplot”. The former supports preparation of input data for FMO in GAMESS, whereas the latter is software for making graphs from numerical results obtained by FMO.