COMmon Bayesian Optimization Library (COMBO) is an open source python library for machine learning techniques. COMBO is amenable to large scale problems, because the computational time grows only linearly as the number of candidates increases. Hyperparameters of a prediction model can be automatically learned from data by maximizing type-II likelihood.
ComDMFT is a massively parallel computational package to study the electronic structure of correlated-electron systems. Users can perform a parameter-free method based on ab initio linearized quasiparticle self-consistent GW (LQSGW) and dynamical mean field theory (DMFT).
An open-source application for the first-principles calculation based on the all-electron method with localized bases. By adopting the full-potential LMTO method, high-speed electronic state calculation can be performed with a less number of bases compared with the standard all-electron method. There is no restriction on symmetries as in the LMTO-ASA method, and spin polarization and spin-orbit interaction can also be treated.
Kω implements large-scale parallel computing of the shifted Krylov subspace method. Using Kω, dynamical correlation functions can be efficiently calculated. This application includes a mini-application for calculating dynamical correlation functions of quantum lattice models such as the Hubbard model, the Kondo model, and the Heisenberg model in combination with the quantum lattice solver of quantum many-body problems, HΦ.
This software is for constructing inter-atomic force fields that mostly fit the results of ab-initio calculations, using multi-canonical molecular dynamic simulations. Various potential functions such as silicon, ionic crystal, and water have been pre-installed, and the user’s potential function can also be used. The default ab initio calculation solver is xTAPP and other calculation libraries are also applicable.
Open source software for massively parallel quantum chemistry calculations. Energies and geometries of nano-sized molecules can be calculated without fragmentation. The program supports Hartree-Fock, density functional theory, and second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory calculations. The input format, execution method, and program structure are simple, and frequently used routines can be easily extracted.
An application for semi-empirical quantum chemistry calculation. Special emphasis is placed on molecular dynamics simulations, and is able to run efficiently on large-scale cluster computer systems using OpenMP/MPI hybrid parallelism. The code is still under development, but the source code is distributed freely under the GPL license.
A set of routines for real-symmetric dense eigenproblems in supercomputers or massively parallel machines. Both of standard and general eigenproblems are supported. A fast computation is achieved by optimal hybrid solvers among eigenproblem libraries of ELPA, EigenExa and ScaLAPACK. The package includes a mini-appli that can be used in a benchmark test.
QDS (Quantum Dynamics Simulator) is a program for computing magnetization curves and spectra of electron-spin resonance (ESR) in molecular magnets. Input data of this program can be magnetic interactions, the shape of a molecule, etc. Calculation is carried out with the combination of exact diagonalization, the quantum master equation, and the Kubo formula. It can be chosen whether the dissipation exists or not in the calculations of dynamical magnetization curves.