Open-source tools and a database for molecular simulation. Data of molecular models (interatomic potentials and force fields), result data of molecular simulation, and test tools can be downloaded freely. API (Application Programming Interface) for exchanging information between atomistic simulation codes and interatomic models is also provided.
An open-source application for evaluating superconducting gaps from resutls of the first-principles calculation by Quantum ESPRESSO. By calculating electron-phonon interaction and screened Coulomb interaction from the first-principles calculation, superconducting gaps can be obtained from the gap equation. Quasiparticle densities of states and ultrasonic attenuation rates can also be calculated.
LIQ𝑈𝑖⏐〉is a software design architecture for quantum computing. It includes a programming language designed for quantum algorithms. By using LIQ𝑈𝑖⏐〉, users can design quantum circuits and perform simulations such as quantum teleportation and quantum chemistry.
A python package for the tight-binding method. PythTB supports tight-binding calculations of electronic structures and Berry phase in various kinds of systems. Users can use ab initio parameters obtained by Wannier90.
Open Chemistry database that has been in operation since 2004 under the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States. It mainly targets data for small molecules, but information on large molecules such as lipids and peptides are also collected. The database can be accessed via web browser or PUG REST API. The data can be also downloaded from an FTP site.
BerkeleyGW is an open-source program package to calculate quasi-particle spectrum and optical responses from mean-field result by using GW approximation and Bethe-Salpeter equation. This is compatible with output files of many commonly used DFT codes such as Quantum ESPRESSO.
An open-source application for first-principles calculation utilizing the DV-Xα method. It produces electronic structure for a wide rage of physical systems such as atoms, molecules and crystals. The DV-Xα method realizes high-speed computation for all-electron calculations, and makes it possible to evaluate various physical properties and electron transition probability (especially of core-electron excitation). Tools for supplying input data, and visualizing and post-processing output data are also released.
Photo-excited electron dynamics simulator based on time-dependent density functional theory using real-time, real-space grids. It can perform calculations of linear photo-response and nonlinear photo-response to pulse radiation in a variety of systems including isolated systems, periodic systems, interfaces/surfaces, etc. It can perform massively parallel calculations in systems consisting of thousands of atoms, and it can also perform multiscale simulation of electron-electromagnetic field-coupled dynamics.
An open-source application for semi-empirical quantum chemical calculation based on NDDO (neglect of diatomic differential overlap) approximation. This program calculates, for a given molecule or a crystal, molecular orbits and atomic forces, as well as vibration spectra, thermal quantities (heat of formation etc.), isotopic exchange effect, force constant, and so on. It can also treat radicals and ions.
An open-source application for first-principles calculation based on the PAW method. By utilizing real-space or atom-localized basis sets, this application performs electronic structure calculation based on the density functional theory as well as the GW approximation. Simulations are set up using the interface provided by Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE). The code is written in C and python, and is available under GPL.