An open-source framework for execution management of numerical simulation. By registering target simulators, information at the time of execution (parameters, date and time, hostname, version of simulators, etc.) and calculation results are saved automatically on database. Job submission and browse of job status can be performed efficiently from web browsers.
Software framework for training a machine learning model to reproduce first-principles energies and then using the model to perform configurational sampling in disordered systems. It has been developed with an emphasis on multi-component solid-state systems such as metal and oxide alloys. At present, Quantum Espresso, VASP and OpenMX can be used as first-principles energy calculators, and aenet can be used to construct neural network potentials.
Open-source software for building computational physics applications. Common C++ auxiliary modules required for various methods in computational physics such as the quantum Monte Carlo method are prepared. This software helps to build reusable codes and to reduce development time for complex computational science applications. It also supports parallel programming based on MPI or OpenMP.