Case / Article
Large-Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulation of All Atoms of an Adhesive Interface Using MODYLAS
Akira Shimazu (Nitto Denko Corporation) Lamination of materials using adhesives is an indispensable technique …Read More
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Inquiry / Application RequestMODYLAS is a highly parallelized general-purpose molecular dynamics (MD) simulation program appropriate for very large physical, chemical, and biological systems. It is equipped most standard MD techniques including free energy calculations based on thermodynamic integration method. Long-range forces are evaluated rigorously by the fast multipole method (FMM) without using the fast Fourier transform (FFT) in order to realize excellent scalability. The program enables investigations of large-scale real systems such as viruses, liposomes, assemblies of proteins and micelles, and polymers. It works on ordinary linux machines, too.
Akira Shimazu (Nitto Denko Corporation) Lamination of materials using adhesives is an indispensable technique …Read More