
  • Level of openness 0 ☆☆☆
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

Payware for visualization of computational fluid dynamics and general numerical simulation. This application provides an integrated environment for two- and three- dimensional graph drawing, and supports interactive visualization of data with many options such as slices, contours, and stream traces. It also supports visualization of large-scale data and efficient comparison between many data sets.

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  • Level of openness 0 ☆☆☆
  • Document quality 3 ★★★

An application for evaluating thermodynamic quantities and phase diagrams of alloys and compounds. This application can calculate thermal-equilibrium phase diagrams and thermodynamic quantities of alloys and compounds in combination with databases, and can be utilized for evaluation and prediction of physical properties in materials science and metallurgy. It supports various models of thermodynamics, and also includes useful tools for plotting phase diagrams.

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  • Level of openness 0 ☆☆☆
  • Document quality 0 ☆☆☆

An open-source application for molecular dynamics. This application can perform molecular dynamics simulation of biopolymers and solvents consisting of a number of molecules/atoms. It implements a number of force field sets and algorithms, and supports parallel computing based on OpenMP. Java graphical user interface (GUI) is also included.

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  • Level of openness 0 ☆☆☆
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

Payware for the ab-initio quantum chemical calculation. This application preforms high-speed electronic structure calculation by introducing the RI approximation, and evaluates not only ground states but also excited states by various methods such as full RPA, TDDFT, CIS(D), CC2, ADC(2). It can also be used for evaluation of spectra data of infrared(IR), visible(Vis)/ultraviolet(UV), Raman, and circular dichroism spectroscopy.

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  • Level of openness 2 ★★☆
  • Document quality 3 ★★★

A numerical library for machine learning. Various functions on machine learning (including supervised learning and unsupervised learning) are implemented in this package. Complex network can be expressed in a simple form by using data flow graphs. Efficient CPU/GPGPU parallel computation is supported to realise efficient operation on large scale data.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

TC++ is open-source software for ab initio calculations using the transcorrelated (TC) method. In TC++, users can take account of electron correlations in a Jastrow correlation factor based on the TC method. Electronic structures obtained by Quantum ESPRESSO can be used as an initial state of TC++.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

Python wrapper to manage jobs for the ab initio Monte Carlo package TurboRVB. By combining with a workflow management application, TurboWorkflows,  users can perform high-throughput calculations based on TurboRVB.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

A tool of input-file preparation and visualization for xTAPP, an application of the first-principle calculation. By graphical user interface (GUI), this application helps xTAPP users for making input files, and visualizes results of wavefunctions, electron densities, and potential profiles into three-dimensional graphics from output files.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 3 ★★★

An open-source numerical library for machine learning. Various functions related to deep learning are implemented. This package directly treats equations as such, and have useful routines such as matrix operation and auto partial derivative. Users can convert their codes into C language, and can compile it. High speed operation by GPGPU parallel calculation is supported. A number of tutorials are available.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 3 ★★★

An open-source numerical library for machine learning. Various functions related to deep learning based on neural networks are implemented. Users can implement complex network with flexible description, and can try various state-of-the-art methods. This package is used in a number of companies in the world. This package is written by the script language, lua.

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