An open-source application for high-accuracy electronic-state calculation based on the variational Monte Carlo method and the diffusion Monte Carlo method. Although its computational cost is high, physical properties of atoms and small molecules in the ground states and excited states are calculated with very high accuracy. Includes an application program that generates input files from output of other packages for quantum chemical calculation, such as GAMESS, Gaussian, etc.
A collection of software tools for molecular dynamics calculations. Various interatomic potentials and tight binding models are implemented, and numerous external applications can be invoked. It also supports training and evaluation of GAP (Gaussian Approximation Potential), which is a form of machine learning potential.
Open-source program for first-principles calculation based on pseudo-potential and plane-wave basis. This package performs electronic-state calculation with high accuracy based on density functional theory. In addition to basic-set programs, many core-packages and plugins are included. This package can be utilized for academic research and industrial development, and also supports parallel computing.
An open source framework for quantum computation. By using Qiskit, users can generate quantum circuits and run it on simulators and real devices.
Code for unfolding first-principles electronic energy bands calculated using supercells into the corresponding primary-cell Brillouin zone. It uses maximally-localized Wannier functions calculated using Wannier90.
An open-source application for obtaining optimized many-body wavefunctions expressed by matrix product states (MPS). By using a second-generation density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm, many-body wave functions can be efficiently optimized. The quantum-chemical operators are represented by matrix product operators (MPOs), which provides flexibility to accommodate various symmetries and relativistic effects.
3D drawing software for molecules and crystals. QtDraw supports drawings of 3D objects such as atomic orbitals, polygons and spline curves. By installing MultiPie, users can draw the above objects with the help of symmetry operations and irreducible representations. These functionalities can be called by Python code.
QuCumber is an open-source Python package that implements neural-network quantum state reconstruction of many-body wavefunctions from measurement data such as magnetic spin projections, orbital occupation number. Given a training dataset of measurements, QuCumber discovers the most likely quantum state compatible with the measurements by finding the optimal set of parameters of a restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM).
Python library for the Open Quantum Materials Database, a first-principles computational database. qmpy supports several analysis tools such as crystal structures and phase diagrams. Users can perform automatic calculations using VASP.
An application for first-principles calculation based on the all-electron method. This application implements not only normal electronic state calculation (band calculation) but also a quasi-particle GW method for self-consistent (or one-shot) calculation of excitation spectrum and quasi-particle band. Combining with dynamical mean-field theory, self-consistent calculation including many-body effect can also be performed.