Open source library to record execution and communication time during specified regions in user’s program. C/C++ and Fortran API are provided. This can profile MPI & OpenMP hybrid parallel programs as well as serial ones.
PHYSBO is a Python library for researchers mainly in the materials science field to perform fast and scalable Bayesian optimization based on COMBO (Common Bayesian Optimization). Users can search the candidate with the largest objective function value from candidates listed in advance by using machine learning prediction. PHYSBO can handle a larger amount of data compared with standard implementations such as scikit-learn.
An application for three-dimensional visualization with the ray tracing method. This application can visualize arbitrary positions and shapes of objects such as spheres and cubes. It can visualize three-dimensional data obtained from computational fluid dynamics etc. by volume rendering. It can also be used for simple three-dimensional graphical simulator with macro functions.
A structure database for proteins and nuclear acids. Three-dimensional structure data of proteins and nuclear acids (atomic coordinates determined experimentally by X-ray crystal analysis, NMR, etc.) can be downloaded. The data reposited in PDB are in the public domain, and can be accessed by everyone freely.
PARATEC is a parallel DFT program package based on plane-wave basis and norm-conserving pseudopotential.
PolyParGen is a free web application that automatically generates OPLS force field for molecular dynamics calculations. It is possible to create OPLS-AA parameters of macromolecules such as fullerenes with complex crosslinking structures, graphene and cyclic molecules. The generated OPLS-AA force field parameter file in Gromacs format is automatically sent to users.