A first-principles simulation program based on the pseudopotential method utilizing Gaussian basis sets. It can perform simulations based on Hartree-Fock and density functional theories. It can be run under Unix/Linux, and also provides a simple GUI for Windows. Binaries are distributed for a fee, but users can first try the evaluation copy.
An application for first-principles calculation based on density functional theory (DFT) optimized for X-ray spectroscopy analysis. Theoretical prediction and data fitting for X-ray spectroscopy such as XANES(X-ray absorption fine structure), XMCD(X-ray magnetic circular dichroism), RXD(resonant X-ray diffraction) can be preformes. This application employs a fully relativistic LSDA calculation based on the finite element method, and also supports the LDA+U method and the TD-DFT calculation.
Program package for molecular dynamics simulation. This package includes various material parameters such as peptides, proteins, nuclear acids, carbohydrates, ligands etc., and can perform molecular dynamics simulation of biological macromolecule and cells. This package consists of software for input preparation, simulation, and analysis of results, and is widely used in pharmacy and biological science.
OpenMX is a first-principles software based on the pseudo-atomic localized basis functions. It calculates electronic structure rapidly for a wide range of materials including crystals, interfaces, liquids, etc. It speedily provides molecular dynamics simulation and structural optimization of large-scale systems and also implements a hybrid parallelism. It is able to deal with non-collinear magnetism and non-equilibrium Green’s function calculations for electrical conductions.
An open-source application for visualization of atoms and molecules developed for molecular dynamics. This application supports a number of input file formats for molecular configration, and can perform visualization of three-dimensional atom configration as well as creation of a animation. The main feature of this application is that various useful analysis tools can be used by intuitive control of a graphical user interface (GUI).
An open-source application for the first-principles calculation by the all-electron calculation method based on plane wave bases. In addition to standard methods (LDA, GGA, etc.), the LDA+U method, treatment of spin-orbit interaction (noncolinear magnetism), and calculation of phonons are supported. Hybrid parallel computing by OpenMP and MPI is also supported.
Database of equilibrium phase diagrams of alloys. This database contains more than 40,000 binary and ternary alloy phase diagrams, including associated crystal and reaction data for each phase diagram. One can easily search a target phase diagram by selecting contained elements.
Payware for quantum chemical calculation based on the density functional theory. This application supports relativistic effects needed in treatment of transition-metal complexes and heavy elements, and can also treat effect of solvents with the method of COSMO and 3D-RISM. In addition to ordinal optical spectra, it can evaluate various spectra data such as NMR, atomic vibration, electron spin resonance, and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR).
An application for prediction of stable and metastable structures from a chemical composition. For prediction of structures, this application combines the first-principles calculation by external packages (VASP, GULP, siesta, Quantum Espresso, STM4, CP2k, etc.) with various efficient algorithms such as the evolutionary algorithm.
It can be applied to prediction of, e.g., structure of crystals under extreme pressure, nanoparticles, and surface reconstruction.
An open-source application for evaluating superconducting gaps from resutls of the first-principles calculation by Quantum ESPRESSO. By calculating electron-phonon interaction and screened Coulomb interaction from the first-principles calculation, superconducting gaps can be obtained from the gap equation. Quasiparticle densities of states and ultrasonic attenuation rates can also be calculated.