Exabyte.io is a cloud-based nano-scale material modeling platform that accelerates research and development of new materials. Material science softwares such as Quantum ESPRESSO have been implemented on this platform, which can be used through web-page or via secure shell terminal.
Debian Live Linux System that contains OS, editors, materials science application software, visualization tools, etc. An environment needed to perform materials science simulations is provided as a one package. By booting up on VirtualBox virtual machine, one can start simulations, such as the first-principles calculation, molecular dynamics, quantum chemical calculation, lattice model calculation, etc, immediately.
A unified application for soft materials simulation. This is a commercial application based on OCTA, and includes modeling/analysis tools for individual simulation engines, use-case databases, tools for structure-property relationship analysis as well as basic functions of OCTA. In particular, VSOP, an original solver for molecular dynamics, is added for fast simulation by MPI parallel computing.
Integrated applications for quantum chemical, molecular dynamics, and first-principles calculations. Users can perform all the operations necessary for simulation by mouse operation, from creating input files, to performing calculations, to analyzing and displaying results. It supports open source software such as GAMESS, NWChem, Gromacs, LAMMPS, Quantum ESPRESSO and OpenMX, as well as industry-standard software such as MOPAC and Gaussian.
Provides a complete set of environments necessary for computational materials science research in the cloud. A web browser is all that is needed to start a full range of first-principles simulations, including modeling, calculation, data storage, and analysis. RSDFT is used as the engine, and the lineup will be expanded in the future. Data can be shared within a group, and structural data from other software such as GAUSSIAN and VASP can be read.