Payware for ab initio quantum chemical calculation. This application performs high-speed quantum chemical calculation based on the density functional, Hartree-Fock theory, and MP2 theories. It can perform structure optimization, spectrum analysis, evaluation of acid dissociation constants, and so on. It can treat excited states by using TDDFT and CIS. Maestro, an application for visualization produced by the same developer, provides a useful interface for Jaguar.
Python code for a chemical database, PubChem. Users can search data in PubChem by compound name, structural information and so on. It is also possible to receive outputs as a Pandas DataFrame.
An open-source application for general-purpose quantum chemical calculation, laying emphasis on excited states and time evolution. It is based on time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) and the QM/MM calculation. It enables efficient massive parallel computing up to one hundred thousands processes. It supports the relativistic effect and offers the basis choice between the Gaussian basis and the plane-wave basis.
Software package to implement Behler-Parinello neural network potentials. Potentials can be trained from structure-energy/ interatomic forces/stress data, and molecular dynamics calculations using LAMMPS can also be performed using learned potentials. A prediction uncertainty measure can also be calculated simultaneously.
Library for calculating Pfaffian (square root of determinant), which is defined for skew-symmetric matrices. Algorithms are implemented in several languages (Fortran, Python, Matlab, Mathematica) and users can choose favorite one. Interfaces for C are also provided.
Python wrapper to manage jobs for the ab initio Monte Carlo package TurboRVB. By combining with a workflow management application, TurboWorkflows, users can perform high-throughput calculations based on TurboRVB.
Python-based simulations of chemistry framework (PySCF) is a general-purpose electronic structure platform written in Python. Users can perform mean-field and post-mean-field methods with standard Gaussian basis functions. This package also provides several interfaces to other software such as BLOCK and Libxc.
An application for ab initio quantum chemical calculation. This application performs electronic structure calculation of molecules by the Hartree-Fock, density functional, many-body perturbation, configuration interaction theories, and so on. This application is free only for academic use in United Kingdom. Although it histrically shares core programs with GAMESS-US, different functions have been added in later development.
Python/C++ based software package that employs deep learning techniques for construction of interatomic potentials. It implements the Deep Potential, which defines atomic environment descriptors with respect to a local reference frame. The output of many first-principles and molecular dynamics applications can be used as training data, and the trained potentials can be used for molecular dynamics calculations using LAMMPS and path integral molecular dynamics calculations using i-PI.