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  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

An application program for lattice dynamics calculation of molecules, surfaces, and solids in various boundary conditions. It lays emphasis on analytic calculation of lattice dynamics while it can perform molecular dynamics simulation as well. It supports various force fields to treat ionic materials, organic materials, and metals. It also implements analytic derivatives of the second and third order for many force fields.

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  • Document quality 0 ☆☆☆

An open-source application for molecular dynamics. This application can perform molecular dynamics simulation of biopolymers and solvents consisting of a number of molecules/atoms. It implements a number of force field sets and algorithms, and supports parallel computing based on OpenMP. Java graphical user interface (GUI) is also included.

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  • Level of openness 0 ☆☆☆
  • Document quality 3 ★★★

Program package for molecular dynamics simulation. This package includes various material parameters such as peptides, proteins, nuclear acids, carbohydrates, ligands etc., and can perform molecular dynamics simulation of biological macromolecule and cells. This package consists of software for input preparation, simulation, and analysis of results, and is widely used in pharmacy and biological science.

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  • Document quality 0 ☆☆☆

An application for modeling and visualization of molecules for quantum chemical calculation. This application implements a construction of
molecular structures with classical molecular dynamics simulation and structure optimization by simple generic force fields, and a preparation of input files for applications of quantum chemical calculation such as Gaussian. A binary package for Windows XP is available, and informal packages for Windows 7, iPad, and Linux exist.

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  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

PolyParGen is a free web application that automatically generates OPLS force field for molecular dynamics calculations. It is possible to create OPLS-AA parameters of macromolecules such as fullerenes with complex crosslinking structures, graphene and cyclic molecules. The generated OPLS-AA force field parameter file in Gromacs format is automatically sent to users.

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  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

A general-purpose application for molecular dynamics simulation equipped with many tools. This package was originally developed for biomolecules (peptides, proteins, nuclear acids, etc.), and the current version can perform molecular dynamics simulation for various systems such as solutions, crystals, membranes, and so on. It supports several sampling methods and calculation of free energy. It also supports various computing environments including both serial and parallel computers.

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  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

A payware for modeling and visualizing molecules. This software includes a standard editor, ChemDraw, and can perform modeling from chemical structural formula. It implements structure optimization and molecular dynamics by molecular mechanics, and provides useful GUIs for MOPAC, Jaguar, GAMESS, and Gaussian. It can also perform spectroscopy analysis. It is included in high-end packages such as ChemBioOffice and ChemOffice.

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  • Level of openness 1 ★☆☆
  • Document quality 1 ★☆☆

This is a structure analysis program for solutes and solvents, based on the statistical mechanics theory of liquids. The program determines the solvent density distribution surrounding the solute, and calculates various physical values such as the solvation free energy, compressibility, and partial molar volume. The program implements a parallelized fast Fourier transform routine for large-scale parallel computing, and can analyze molecular functions such as the ligand binding affinity of proteins, that would be difficult using other methods.

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  • Level of openness 1 ★☆☆
  • Document quality 2 ★★☆

An application for electronic structure calculations and molecular dynamics simulations based on tight-binding approximation. By the Krylov subspace method, this application performs order-N electronic state calculation for large physical systems including a large number of atoms. It also supports massively-parallel computation using MPI/openMP hybrid parallelism, and has demonstrated calculation of 10^7-atom simulation on the K Computer.

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  • Level of openness 3 ★★★
  • Document quality 1 ★☆☆

MODYLAS is a highly parallelized general-purpose molecular dynamics (MD) simulation program appropriate for very large physical, chemical, and biological systems. It is equipped most standard MD techniques including free energy calculations based on thermodynamic integration method. Long-range forces are evaluated rigorously by the fast multipole method (FMM) without using the fast Fourier transform (FFT) in order to realize excellent scalability. The program enables investigations of large-scale real systems such as viruses, liposomes, assemblies of proteins and micelles, and polymers. It works on ordinary linux machines, too.

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