An application for simulating microstructures of alloys based on a phase-field method. This application can treat various problems in multi-component alloy systems such as solidification, solid-phase transition, and dynamics of crystal growth. Any required thermodynamic quantities can be obtained by calculating phase diagram or by direct coupling to the thermodynamic data calculated by other application.
A collection of C++ interfaces for simulation of mesoscale properties based on grid data. By using provided header files, one can easily construct programs for simulation of various phenomena such as solidification, crystal growth, and spinodal decomposition, based on a Monte Carlo method, cellar automaton, and a phase-field method. This interface supports parallel computing by MPI, and also provides converters of output files for visualization software such as ParaView.
An open-source application for the phase-field simulations. This application treats many kinds of problems in materials science such as determination of phase diagrams, crystal growing, small structures accompanied by first-order transition, and so on. Its source code is open under the GPL, and is developed putting emphasis on its flexibility in the C++ language.