Advance / PHASE is software for first-principles calculation based on the density functional theory by using plane-wave basis and pseudopotentials. Since the electronic state is obtained based on quantum mechanics, highly accurate results can be obtained. It can be expected not only to analyze existing materials but also to design various metals, insulators, semiconductors, magnetic materials, dielectric materials, piezoelectric materials, and various other new materials.
An application for first-principles calculation based on the all-electron method with localized bases. Compared with the standard all-electron method (the full-potential LAPW method), this application uses a less number of bases keeping accuracy of calculation, and realize high-speed electronic state calculation by the density functional method. This application also supports calculation for disordered structures by coherent potential approximation (CPA), relativistic effect, and the LSDA+U method.
An official Gaussian-series payware for molecular visualization. Must be used with Gaussian, the well-known software of quantum chemistry calculation. This application provides many functions such as molecular modeling, parameter setting, job management and visualization of calculation results. It also performs input file generation for Gaussian, and supports read/write of files with other formats such as Sybyl, Molden, PDB and CIF.